Resident’s Council

“Resident Council” is an independent, organized group of people living in a long term care facility that meet on a monthly basis to discuss concerns, develop suggestions on improving services or resolve concerns or complaints in their home.  At the time of admission, our home will inform new residents of their right to participate in the activities of a council which is already operating or the right to establish a council. Councils have the right to meet privately. Staff, relatives, friends and members of the community may participate at the invitation of the Council.

Who is it?

Every person living in Watford Quality Care Centre is a member of the resident council. The executive will bring all suggestions forward from the council to the Administration of the home.

A formal set up of residents who discuss and share items that affect where they live.

Celebrating Resident Council
Lawn chairs and flowers

What are the duties of this Executive?

They represent the resident population of the home. They must meet monthly and record the minutes of these meetings.

How much of an effect can the Residents’ Council have?

While it must be recognized that there are some items the Council cannot change because of Government regulations, most recommendations made by the Council will be seriously examined. If these items are found valid, then appropriate changes will be made.

Who forms the Executive?

The residents elect this executive from their members.

Of what use is a resident council?

The Resident Council is your representative in the home. Through this body, suggestions and recommendations can be brought forth. Then these items are taken to the Administration of the home to follow through with any suggestions.

When and where does the Residents’ Council meet?

The Residents’ Council scheduled meetings are posted on the calendar every month and they meet in the front lounge activity area with the assistance of the Life Enrichment Director.

Learn more about Watford Quality Care Centre, today.