
Housekeeping, Maintenance and Laundry

Housekeeping, laundry and maintenance services are monitored by our Environmental Supervisor.


Regular housekeeping and maintenance duties are carried out in the accordance with the Ministry of Health standards to ensure that our environment is clean and safe for the residents, visitors and staff.


Maintenance is the responsibility of the home. If you have a concern related to the building, please bring it to the attention of our Environmental Supervisor or Administrator.

All electrical appliances brought into the home must be checked by the maintenance person prior to them being plugged in.

Electrical items such as electric blankets, heating pads, and extension cords are not allowed.

Laundry Services

  • Daily laundering of clothing is included in the monthly room rate

  • Mending is the responsibility of the family unless valet service is purchased at a cost of $15.00 + GST per month

  • Ironing or dry cleaning is not included in the facilities laundry service

All clothing will be labeled by the home at the time of admission. New items brought into the resident should be taken to the desk, where the charge nurse will have them labeled appropriately prior to the resident wearing the new items.

If families choose to be responsible for a resident’s regular laundry, we ask that they notify the charge nurse and provide a laundry hamper in the resident’s room. A sign will be posted in the resident’s room indicating that laundry is being done by the family. Soiled clothing, for infection control reasons, must be laundered regularly.

Housekeeper at Watford keeping things clean
Hairdressing salon chair


The Hairdressing Salon is situated on the main floor beside the Family Dining Room. It is open on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Services of the hairdresser can be arranged by speaking with the team leaders.

Billing for hairdressing is added to the monthly statement.

  • $35.00

  • $25.00

  • $30.00

  • $40.00

  • $70.00

Blowdrying and curling customer's hair at the salon


It is the mission of the environmental safety service areas that the nursing home is kept safe, clean, in good repair, aesthetically pleasing, and odour free for all residents, staff, family members, volunteers and visitors. Watford Quality Care Centre provides enhanced housekeeping services to ensure the home is clean and as infection free as possible. ​ 

 Watford Quality Care Centre has an ongoing Health and Safety Program for residents, team members, visitors and volunteers. This program includes systems, such as: 

  • Safety Devices 

  • Identification Bracelets 

  • Alarmed doors 

  • Call Bells 

  • Resident Confidentiality 

Learn more about Watford Quality Care Centre, today.